
one who betrays his own cause or party by going to the opposite side; a traitor


one who betrays his own cause or party by going to the opposite side; a traitor


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  When Kumbhakarna asked Vibhishana how he had become a turncoat, Vibhishana replied that it was Ravana who had turned away from his royal responsibilities while satisfying his selfish lust.

Mahabharata:  When Yuyutsu went over to the Pandavas’ side just before the start of the war, Duryodhana glared at the turncoat, resolving to punish him when he got the opportunity.

Bhagavad-gita:  In our war against temptation, if our intelligence starts justifying indulgence instead of resisting it, then we can know that our intelligence has become a turncoat.

Comments ( 3 )

  • Soumya

    Hare Krsna prabhuji. When I heard of this website, I was not sure whether I could gain much from it. Recently I registered on this website. Now daily I look forward to learning a new word. And in order to memorize them, I construct my own sentences. I hope this exercise will help me improve my grasp of English lexicon. I thank you very much for this website.

  • Chaitanya Charan Das

    Happy to know that the site is of service to you. Wonderful to know that you are constructing your own sentences. Please feel free to share your sentences in the comments here so that others can also see the word used in multiple contexts.

  • Harivamsa Dasa

    History has its ways of inducing an upgrade in the vocabulary; words like “Quisling”, “Judas”, and “Benedict Arnold”, after the names of the infamous betrayers, regularly find their place instead of the traditional appellation “turncoat”.

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