
to talk foolishly at length


to talk foolishly at length


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  Not wanting the citizens of Ayodhya to blather on about the events surrounding his exile, Rama announced to them that he was happily going to the forest to honor his father’s word.

Mahabharata:  As the delighted villagers blathered on about who might have killed the mighty demon Baka, the Pandavas departed discreetly, wanting to keep their identity concealed.

Bhagavad-gita:  Meditation enables us to first become aware of how our mind blathers on constantly and then to gradually neglect eventually to silence the mind.

Comments ( 2 )

  • Harivamsa Dasa

    The various life situations may not be all that demanding; however, navigating them becomes extremely challenging as our mind blathers endlessly.

  • Chaitanya Charan Das

    Some people let their mind blather, others blather about their mind; the Gita exposes how our mind blathers and empowers us to tolerate and transcend its blather.

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