
troublesome, annoying


troublesome, annoying


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  Whenever Ravana was reminded that his boons didn’t grant him immunity from humans or monkeys, he dismissed it as a pesky detail not worth considering.

Mahabharata:  Despite all his bragging, Karna could never forget one pesky fact: in all his encounters with Arjuna, he had never emerged a clear winner.

Bhagavad-gita:  Although Duryodhana carefully assessed the two armies at the start of the Gita, he completely overlooked one pesky truth: Krishna was God and he was on the opposite side.

Bhagavatam:  Although Kamsa was relieved that the eighth child of Devaki had turned out to be a girl, one pesky doubt still haunted him: had the celestial prophesy been wrong or had he somehow been tricked.