
the interpretation of a text by reading into it one’s own ideas


the interpretation of a text by reading into it one’s own ideas


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  The claim that the Ramayana is essentially a story of men dominating and exploiting women is an eisegesis that can come only from a toxically feminist mind.

Mahabharata:  Those who retell the Mahabharata depicting Karna as a hero and Arjuna as a villain, offer an eisegesis that overlooks the moral complexity of the epic.

Bhagavatam:  Those who deem Krishna’s butter-stealing immoral come up with an eisegesis that is completely ignorant of the concept of lila and especially the sweetness of Krishna’s bala lila, his childhood pastimes.

Bhagavad-gita:  The eisegesis that the Gita incites a peace-loving warrior to violence can be offered only by one who chooses to be wilfully blind to its essentially philosophical message and its complete avoidance of any hate speech or calls for revenge.