
weakening and defeating an enemy by veering them out (often in the phrase war of attrition)


weakening and defeating an enemy by veering them out (often in the phrase war of attrition)


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  Knowing that Hanuman had already entered and burned Lanka, Ravana decided against staying inside his fortress and letting the war with Rama become a war of attrition.

Mahabharata:  By reminding Arjuna that he had to reach Jayadratha before sunset, Krishna urged Arjuna to not get into a war of attrition with Drona.

Bhagavad-gita:  If we get into a war of attrition with worldly temptation, we will sooner or later be defeated; we need to pursue something meaningful so that we are fighting for a higher purpose, not just fighting against a lower pleasure.