
pleasure and delight


pleasure and delight


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  King Kaushika was amazed to see the elaborate feast that the sage Vashishtha arranged through his mystical cow Surabhi for the delectation of his vast army.

Mahabharata:  Bhima and Arjuna told Yudhisthira that if they continued to enjoy the delectations of Kuvera’s paradise-like gardens for too long, they would lose their zeal to prepare for the war that they would soon have to fight against the Kauravas.

Bhagavad-gita:  Arjuna said that the delectations of neither the whole earth nor even of heaven could remove the grief that was drying up his senses.

Bhagavatam:   The wives of the brahmanas brought for Krishna’s delectation the best of the food items that they had prepared for their husbands’ fire sacrifice.