
hardened conventionality, the process of being rigidly fixed in a conventional pattern of thought or behaviour


hardened conventionality, the process of being rigidly fixed in a conventional pattern of thought or behaviour


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  The repeated rendition of the Ramayana in various vernacular languages throughout history prevented its ossification into a book meant only for the elites who knew Sanskrit.

Mahabharata:  Dhritarashtra’s ossification into a powerless figurehead happened not because of his blindness or his age, but because of his attachment to his wicked son, Duryodhana.

Bhagavad-gita:  The ossification of the cooperative varnashrama into the discriminatory caste system happened because of overinsistence on birth as the sole determiner of caste.

Comments ( 2 )

  • Harivamsa Dasa

    A healthy dialogue with the well-wishing objective observers of a religious tradition – academic scholars or historians – may help the practitioners to prevent ossification of their own tradition, as a result of which they can stay relevant in the present context.

  • Chaitanya Charan Das

    Using our intelligence to construct sentences like these regularly will surely prevent the ossification of our vocabulary.

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