
to express something with strong feeling, especially in a loud voice or with forceful language


to express something with strong feeling, especially in a loud voice or with forceful language


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  Knowing this was the last chance to avoid a disastrous war, Vibhishana declaimed against the foolhardiness in provoking Rama by holding onto Sita.

Mahabharata:  The more Duryodhana declaimed his innocence, by ascribing all his actions to his god-given nature and refusing to take responsibility for them, the more the Kuru assembly recognized that peaceful reconciliation was impossible.

Bhagavad-gita:  Although Arjuna declaimed against the upcoming war in the first chapter of the Gita, he soon found himself overwhelmed by confusion and indecision, as was evident at the start of the Gita’s second chapter.