
involved in conflicts or difficulties


involved in conflicts or difficulties


Example Sentences:

Ramayana:  Ravana’s lust for Sita embroiled all the demons in an unnecessary war with Rama and send them to a hapless death. 

Mahabharata:  Duryodhana’s envy for the Pandavas embroiled the Kuru dynasty in a series of palace intrigues that culminated in a horrendous fratricidal war.

Bhagavad-gita:  By impelling us to speak without thinking, our mind often embroils us in needless controversies.

Comments ( 4 )

  • avd

    Great initiative!!!! It will help us to remember words and pastimes/teachings as well.

    Thank you so much Prabhuji


  • Chaitanya Charan Das

    Happy to be of service.

  • Harivamsa Dasa

    A seeker of truth consciously avoids association which can embroil him (or her) in unnecessary fleeting attachments and veer him (or her) away from the path of spiritual realization.

  • Chaitanya Charan Das

    The absence of a gender-neutral pronoun in English embroils our sentences in linguistic complexity.

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